
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

"American Dream" Program Info

On Friday, February 25, the third grade classes will perform our "American Dream" program at 8:30 in the Janet Root Theater.
Each third grader needs to wear their costume to school on Thursday and Friday but also needs to bring a change of clothing. Please send the regular uniform as a change of clothing on Thursday and "spirit wear" for them to change into on Friday.
The cake should be on a piece of waxed paper so that it can fit snuggly between its border state. Please drop off your cake between 7:30 and 8:15 in the 3rd grade hallway on Friday morning. Please be prompt so that the parents who have volunteered to assemble the cake can be finished in to to be able to enjoy the program as well.
Refreshments will be served after the program that is expected to take a little less than an hour. We will be eating the U.S. cake a that time. The cake will be served in the hallway and taken to the picnic benches outside to be eaten.
Many thanks for your help with this program and for all you do to support us in our work with your children!
-The Third Grade Teachers

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