
Monday, February 28, 2011

Weekly Update 2/28-3/4


We will review Unit 6 concepts in preparation for this week's math test.
The test on Unit 6 will be Thursday (3/3).

Language Arts- We will read some selections from the Voices reading series.

The vocabulary will come from Wordly Wise this week.

The vocabulary test will be next Thursday (3/10).

I have added a great link to help students practice the weekly vocabulary words.

The spelling this week will be the "doubling rule."

Please visit for some practice games with the spelling words.

Science- We will continue the unit, Matter.

Social Studies- This week we will continue to work with our social studies text book, The History of US.

We will continue our study of individual tribes throughout North America, focusing on the tribes of the Plains


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

On-line re-enrollmenet is delayed

On-line re-enrollment will now begin on February 25, 2011. We were originally planning to begin re-enrollment on February 22nd; however, as this is a new system, we would like to take a few extra days to ensure that the system is working properly for our families. Our goal is to make this process as simple and as easy to use as possible. The deadline for submitting your on-line re-enrollment forms will now be March 11th. You will be receiving an updated email with your On-line Re-enrollment user id and password. Please store the user id and password in a safe location as you will have the opportunity to use them again in the future. We will continue to update you about the on-line re-enrollment process through email, so please add to your address book. We are excited to offer you this new on-line re-enrollment process! If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Judy Roberge at (727) 456-7513 or email This is a firm deadline for our current students as we have new applications waiting for admittance. Thank you.

Jean M. Spencer-Carnes, M.Ed., Ed.S., Ed.D.

Director of Admissions

Shorecrest Preparatory School

(727) 456-7504

"American Dream" Program Info

On Friday, February 25, the third grade classes will perform our "American Dream" program at 8:30 in the Janet Root Theater.
Each third grader needs to wear their costume to school on Thursday and Friday but also needs to bring a change of clothing. Please send the regular uniform as a change of clothing on Thursday and "spirit wear" for them to change into on Friday.
The cake should be on a piece of waxed paper so that it can fit snuggly between its border state. Please drop off your cake between 7:30 and 8:15 in the 3rd grade hallway on Friday morning. Please be prompt so that the parents who have volunteered to assemble the cake can be finished in to to be able to enjoy the program as well.
Refreshments will be served after the program that is expected to take a little less than an hour. We will be eating the U.S. cake a that time. The cake will be served in the hallway and taken to the picnic benches outside to be eaten.
Many thanks for your help with this program and for all you do to support us in our work with your children!
-The Third Grade Teachers

Weekly Update (2/22-2/25)


We will review Unit 6 concepts in preparation for next week's math test.
The test on Unit 6 will be next Thursday (3/3).

Language Arts- We will read some selections from the Voices reading series.

The vocabulary will come from Wordly Wise this week.

The vocabulary test will be this Thursday (2/24).

I have added a great link to help students practice the weekly vocabulary words.

There is no spelling this week

Please visit for some practice games with previous spelling words.

Science- We will continue the unit, Matter.

Social Studies- This week we will continue to work with our social studies text book, The History of US.

We will continue our study of individual tribes throughout North America, focusing on the tribes of the Northwest Coast.

The third grade program performance will be Friday (2/25). The children have been working hard to practice both the songs and their speaking parts.

Please help them to rehearse their lines using expression.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Weekly Update (2/14-2/18)


We will wrap up Unit 6 (Geometry) this week and review the concepts next week.
The test on Unit 6 will be during the week after our program (2/28-3/4).

Language Arts- We will read some selections from the Voices reading series.

The vocabulary will come from Wordly Wise this week.

I have added a great link to help students practice the weekly vocabulary words.

There is no spelling this week

Please visit for some practice games with previous spelling words.

Science- We will continue the unit, Matter.

Social Studies- This week we will continue to work with our social studies text book, The History of US.

We will continue our study of individual tribes throughout North America, focusing on the Anasazi tribe.

The third grade program performance will be next Friday (2/25). The children have been working hard to practice both the songs and their speaking parts.

Please help them to rehearse their lines using expression.

Monday, February 7, 2011


A message from administration:
We are excited to announce that we are moving to an online re-enrollment process! This will allow you to complete your enrollment contract online, as well as make payments online. We believe that this will save you time and effort.

You will no longer need to complete lengthy paperwork, as student information will be pre-populated on each student's individual enrollment form. Once the enrollment contract is submitted online, you will be able to print a copy of the contract for your records.

In addition, we are pleased to offer you an easy, secure online payment system to make electronic payments of tuition deposits, tuition refund plan payments, tuition, and donation payments. This convenient alternative for families will allow you to make electronic payments by e-check or credit card (Master Card, American Express or Discover only).

A convenience fee of 2.75% will be charged if you use a credit card; however, there is no fee for using e-check, which is a direct debit to your bank account. You will be receiving further information the week of February 16.

Weekly Update (2/7-2/11)

There is no school on Thursday, due to Spring Conferences.

If you have not already set up a conference time, please email me to arrange one. (


Lessons covered this week are:

6.5 Quadrangles
6.6 Polygons
6.7 Drawing Angles
6.8 Measuring Angles

Language Arts- We will read some selections from the Voices reading series. There will be a test on Stone Fox tomorrow, Tuesday (2/8).

The vocabulary will come from Wordly Wise this week.

The theme for spelling this week is "compound words."

Please visit for some practice games with this week's spelling words.

We will have both a vocabulary test and a spelling test on Friday (2/11).

Science- We will continue the unit, Matter.

Social Studies- This week we will continue to work with our social studies text book, The History of US.

We will continue our study of individual tribes throughout North America, focusing on the Inuit tribe.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Program Parts

The parts for the third grade program were assigned last week, and each student was told their part.
The lines will be sent home today. Please review them at home, focusing not only on memorization, but expression as well.
We will be practicing in class, but this extra work at home will be beneficial as there are fewer than four weeks remaining until the date of our program (2/25).