
Thursday, January 7, 2010

For Friday---Warm up to a good book!

On Friday, I would like to take a break from the regular reading time to "Warm Up to a Good Book." It is seldom that Florida provides the appropriate atmosphere to do this, so I thought I would take advantage of it.
Today in class, the children were asked to bring a book from home to read. It must be a book that will sustain their interest for at least a period of 20-30 minutes. Along with their book of choice, they are not only allowed to bring a thermos of either hot chocolate or cider, but they may wear jeans to school (students are still required to wear a uniform shirt--this is not another Spirit Day.)
I am not sure yet the exact time, but it will be some time in the morning so the thermos will remain warm. This should be great fun!

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