
Monday, September 24, 2012

Weekly Update (9/24-9/28)

"Rain, rain, go away..."

Due to the field being unplayable because of the rain last week, many of the PE classes were rearranged. As such, not all classes were able to begin the floor hockey unit. Only a few grade levels were able to complete the introductory lesson. Therefore, last week's plans have been pushed back to this week.

The students did a great job with the balloon lessons/activities last week. This week we will continue to work on various skills through group games.

Kindergarten (Vigue):
We will begin the hockey lesson with an introduction of equipment and safety rules, followed by some stick handling drills. Later in the week, we will go over positions and begin playing games.

First Grade (Whitecage):
We will begin the hockey lesson with an introduction of equipment and safety rules, followed by some stick handling drills. Later in the week, we will go over positions and begin playing games.

Second Grade (O'Mullane):
We will review the stick handling drills from last week, as well as introduce the different ways to pass and shoot. Later in the week, we will begin playing team games.

Third Grade (Mitchell):
We will review the stick handling drills from last week, as well as introduce the different ways to pass and shoot. Later in the week, we will begin playing team games.

Fourth Grade (Boys-Hughes/Telemachos):
We will review the stick handling drills from last week, as well as introduce the different ways to pass and shoot. Later in the week, we will begin playing team games.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Weekly Update (9/17-9/21)

Students have been learning about several aspects of PE through a variety of group games in the rec gym.

Kindergarten (Vigue):
Last week we introduced kicking as a part of our football unit. Tuesday we will cap off the unit with a second day of station rotations, focusing on throwing and catching. 
Wednesday we will move from the field to the gym to begin playing floor hockey. 

First Grade (Whitecage):
Students have been working hard on our football unit. The students did a great job last Friday (9/14) during our station rotations. We will finish the unit on Monday with a group football game.
Wednesday we will move from the field to the gym to begin the floor hockey unit.

Second Grade (O'Mullane):
Students have been working hard on our football unit. The students did a great job last Friday (9/14) during our station rotations. On Monday, we will work in partnerships to introduce throwing to moving targets and catching on the move. We will finish the unit with a group game.
Wednesday we will be indoors to begin the floor hockey unit.

Third Grade (Mitchell):
Last week, the students were introduced to the game, "Ultimate Football."
This is a great next step from our throwing and catching practice because it progress to throwing to a moving target and catching on the move. Monday, we will play Ultimate Football again to finish off the unit. Tuesday we will play a group game, and we will begin floor hockey on Wednesday.

Fourth Grade (Boys-Hughes/Telemachos):
The students have been doing a great job with all aspects of the football unit. Last week saw a superb session of station rotations in which the students worked on passing, receiving, rushing, and kicking.
On Monday we will play "Ultimate Football" as a wrap up to the unit.
Wednesday we will move from the field to the gym to begin the floor hockey unit.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Welcome Message

Welcome to another great school year!

I am very excited to be transitioning from a classroom teacher in third grade to a PE teacher.
Each week I will post an update/preview about the plans for the week. This first trimester I will be working with the following PE groups: Kindergarten-Vigue, First-Whitecage, Second-O'Mullane, Third-Mitchell, and Fourth-Hughes/Telemachos.
Additionally, there will be photos and videos pages that will be updated throughout the school year.

If you ever have any questions, I can be reached via email at