
Monday, October 15, 2012

Weekly Update (10/15-10/19)

This week we will continue to work on various skills through group games.

Kindergarten (Vigue):
We will play a variety of indoor and outdoor group games this week.

First Grade (Whitecage):
We will finish the soccer unit this week. We will also play a variety of indoor and outdoor group games this week.

Second Grade (O'Mullane):
We will finish the soccer unit this week. We will also play a variety of indoor and outdoor group games this week. Next Monday (10/22), students will practice the half mile run.

Third Grade (Mitchell):
This week we will be focusing on fitness testing. Students will complete four of the five events this week (sit-ups, sit and reach, pull-ups, and shuttle run). Next Monday (10/22), students will complete the mile run.

Fourth Grade (Boys-Hughes/Telemachos):
This week we will be focusing on fitness testing. Students will complete four of the five events this week (sit-ups, sit and reach, pull-ups, and shuttle run). Next Monday (10/22), students will complete the mile run.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Weekly Update (10/8-10/11)

The students did a great job with the sorting lessons/activities last week. This week we will continue to work on various skills through group games.

Kindergarten (Vigue):
We will begin the soccer unit this week. We will focus on individual ball skill and dribbling. Later, we will progress to team activities, culminating with a game.

First Grade (Whitecage):
We will begin the soccer unit this week. We will focus on individual ball skill and dribbling. Later in the week, we will go over positions and begin playing games.

Second Grade (O'Mullane):
We will begin the soccer unit this week. We will focus on individual ball skill and dribbling, as well as introduce the different ways to pass and shoot. Later in the week, we will begin playing team games.

Third Grade (Mitchell):
We will begin the soccer unit this week. We will focus on individual ball skill and dribbling, as well as introduce the different ways to pass and shoot. Later in the week, we will begin playing team games.

Fourth Grade (Boys-Hughes/Telemachos):
We will begin the soccer unit this week. We will focus on individual ball skill and dribbling, as well as introduce the different ways to pass and shoot. Later in the week, we will begin playing team games.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Weekly Update (10/1-10/5)

"...The best laid schemes o' Mice an' Men, 
Gang aft agley..."

-Robert Burns

Well, so much for last week's plans.
Due to my unexpected absences last week, all classes will get caught up on the floor hockey unit from last week. Students will be introduced to the positions and strategy, and we will spend the week playing games in the rec gym. 

4th graders will also participate in the qualifying events for the Punt, Pass, and Kick competition that will take place at next Friday's Charger football game.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Weekly Update (9/24-9/28)

"Rain, rain, go away..."

Due to the field being unplayable because of the rain last week, many of the PE classes were rearranged. As such, not all classes were able to begin the floor hockey unit. Only a few grade levels were able to complete the introductory lesson. Therefore, last week's plans have been pushed back to this week.

The students did a great job with the balloon lessons/activities last week. This week we will continue to work on various skills through group games.

Kindergarten (Vigue):
We will begin the hockey lesson with an introduction of equipment and safety rules, followed by some stick handling drills. Later in the week, we will go over positions and begin playing games.

First Grade (Whitecage):
We will begin the hockey lesson with an introduction of equipment and safety rules, followed by some stick handling drills. Later in the week, we will go over positions and begin playing games.

Second Grade (O'Mullane):
We will review the stick handling drills from last week, as well as introduce the different ways to pass and shoot. Later in the week, we will begin playing team games.

Third Grade (Mitchell):
We will review the stick handling drills from last week, as well as introduce the different ways to pass and shoot. Later in the week, we will begin playing team games.

Fourth Grade (Boys-Hughes/Telemachos):
We will review the stick handling drills from last week, as well as introduce the different ways to pass and shoot. Later in the week, we will begin playing team games.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Weekly Update (9/17-9/21)

Students have been learning about several aspects of PE through a variety of group games in the rec gym.

Kindergarten (Vigue):
Last week we introduced kicking as a part of our football unit. Tuesday we will cap off the unit with a second day of station rotations, focusing on throwing and catching. 
Wednesday we will move from the field to the gym to begin playing floor hockey. 

First Grade (Whitecage):
Students have been working hard on our football unit. The students did a great job last Friday (9/14) during our station rotations. We will finish the unit on Monday with a group football game.
Wednesday we will move from the field to the gym to begin the floor hockey unit.

Second Grade (O'Mullane):
Students have been working hard on our football unit. The students did a great job last Friday (9/14) during our station rotations. On Monday, we will work in partnerships to introduce throwing to moving targets and catching on the move. We will finish the unit with a group game.
Wednesday we will be indoors to begin the floor hockey unit.

Third Grade (Mitchell):
Last week, the students were introduced to the game, "Ultimate Football."
This is a great next step from our throwing and catching practice because it progress to throwing to a moving target and catching on the move. Monday, we will play Ultimate Football again to finish off the unit. Tuesday we will play a group game, and we will begin floor hockey on Wednesday.

Fourth Grade (Boys-Hughes/Telemachos):
The students have been doing a great job with all aspects of the football unit. Last week saw a superb session of station rotations in which the students worked on passing, receiving, rushing, and kicking.
On Monday we will play "Ultimate Football" as a wrap up to the unit.
Wednesday we will move from the field to the gym to begin the floor hockey unit.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Welcome Message

Welcome to another great school year!

I am very excited to be transitioning from a classroom teacher in third grade to a PE teacher.
Each week I will post an update/preview about the plans for the week. This first trimester I will be working with the following PE groups: Kindergarten-Vigue, First-Whitecage, Second-O'Mullane, Third-Mitchell, and Fourth-Hughes/Telemachos.
Additionally, there will be photos and videos pages that will be updated throughout the school year.

If you ever have any questions, I can be reached via email at

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Sawgrass Lake Project

Here is a voicethread about our class project on Sawgrass Lake:

additional link to voicethread:

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Gregor Chapters

Here are chapters 22, 23, and 24.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Gregor Chapters (14-16)

Some more Gregor chapters have been posted in order to ensure that we finish the book before summer break. Enjoy!
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Splash Day changes

Please see the note below from PE regarding changes to Splash Day: 

The PE staff is so excited for this Friday May 18, 2012. Our regularly scheduled "Splash Day,” will have to be modified in order to comply with recent water restrictions. The PE staff has arranged for a large inflatable maze to be delivered in place of the water slide. We will also provide multiple play areas and other (dry) activities that are sure to put a smile on your child's face. Spirit wear will take the place of swim wear for our "Friday Fun Day.” We are certain our students will enjoy what we have in store for them and we appreciate everyone's flexibility in this matter. We can't wait!

Thank you,

Your LD PE Staff

Monday, May 14, 2012

Weekly Update (5/14-5/18)

Lessons covered:
-Multiply and Divide with Multiples 10, 100, and 1,000
-Using Mental Math to Multiply
-Exploring Arrays, Areas, and Fractions
-Multiplication Algorithm
Language Arts-
The vocabulary will come from Wordly Wise lesson 14.
The vocabulary test will be next Tuesday (5/22).
The spelling this week will be the prefix "long -E sound".
We will have a writer's celebration on Friday 5/25 at 10:00.
We will continue working on our Sawgrass Lake project.
Social Studies-
This week we will continue our study of the First Americans, Eastern Woodlands and Iroquois.
There will be an "Explorer Video Watch Party" on Friday 5/25 at 9:30.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email me at

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Gregor Chapters

Here are the links for the conclusion of Chapter 8 and all of Chapter 9.
Click on the chapter number and a new page will open up...

Monday, May 7, 2012

Weekly Update (5/7-5/11)

Lessons covered:
We will review the unit on fractions this week.
We will also continue to review the basic multiplication facts.
There will be a math quiz Wednesday (5/9). 
Language Arts-
The vocabulary will come from Wordly Wise lesson 13.
The vocabulary test will be Tuesday (5/8).
The spelling this week will be the prefix "non-".
We will continue working on our Sawgrass Lake project.
Social Studies-
This week we will continue our study of the First Americans, Eastern Woodlands and Iroquois.
We will also be editing our explorer videos.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email me at

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Book Chapters

I'm very sorry, but due to technical difficulties the Gregor chapter(s) will not be posted until tomorrow.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Weekly Update

Lessons covered:
We will finish the unit on fractions this week.
We will also continue to review the basic multiplication facts.
There will be a math quiz next Wednesday (5/9). 
Language Arts-
The vocabulary will come from Wordly Wise lesson 13.
The vocabulary test will be next Tuesday (5/8).
There will be no spelling this week.
We will continue working on our Sawgrass Lake project.
Social Studies-
This week we will continue our study of the First Americans, Plains and Mounds.
We will also begin filming our explorer videos.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email me at

Thursday, April 26, 2012

ERB Week

ERB week is upon us. Monday we will begin the testing.
Please be sure that your child has at least two sharpened number two pencils.
Also, while we will continue with our lessons in the classroom each day, there will be no homework during this week.
If you have any questions, please contact me at

Monday, April 16, 2012

Weekly Update (4/16-4/20)

Lessons covered:
8.3 Exploring Fractions, Re-forming Squares, and Combinations
8.4 Number-Line Posters
8.5 Equivalent Fractions
8.6 Comparing Fractions
We will also continue to review the basic multiplication facts.
Language Arts-
The vocabulary will come from Wordly Wise lesson 13.
The vocabulary test will be next Friday (4/27).
The spelling theme this week is "homographs."
There will be a spelling test on Friday (4/20).
We will continue working on our Sawgrass Lake project.
Social Studies-

This week we will continue our study of the First Americans, Plains and Mounds.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email me at

Monday, April 9, 2012

Celebrate the Arts Lunch (4/20)

There has been some confusion over the lunch form for Celebrate the Arts on Friday, April 20. The only sack lunches being ordered will be for students. Parents are being asked to check "joining for lunch" for head count purposes only - not lunch. If you have any questions, please contact the office. Thanks!

Weekly Update (4/9-4/13)

Lessons covered:
8.1 Naming Parts with Fractions
8.2 Blocks-in-a-Bag Experiment
8.3 Exploring Fractions, Re-Forming Squares, and Combinations
Language Arts-
The vocabulary will come from Wordly Wise lesson 12.
The vocabulary test will be Friday (4/13).
The spelling theme this week is "suffix -ing."
There will be a spelling test on Friday (4/13).
We will continue working on our Sawgrass Lake project.
Social Studies-
This week we will continue our study of the First Americans, Plains and Mounds.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email me at

Monday, April 2, 2012

Weekly Update (4/2-4/6)

Lessons covered:
7.8 Extended Facts: Products of Tens
7.9 Exploring Rations and Geometric Figures
7.10 Unit 7 Review
There will be a math test on Monday (4/9).
Language Arts-
The vocabulary will come from Wordly Wise lesson 12.
The vocabulary test will be next Friday (4/13).
The spelling theme this week is "-ture, -sure, -ain."
There will be a spelling test on Friday (4/6).
We will continue working on our Sawgrass Lake project.
Social Studies-
This week we will continue our study of the First Americans, Plains.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email me at

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Weekly Update (3/26-3/30)

Lessons covered:
7.5 Scoring in Basketball: An Application
7.6 Extended Facts: Multiplication and Division
7.7 Estimating Costs
Language Arts-
The vocabulary will come from Wordly Wise lesson 11.
The vocabulary test will be next Friday (3/30).
The spelling theme this week is "VCCCV."
There will be a spelling test on Friday (3/30).
We will begin our Florida environment project, kicked off by our field trip to Sawgrass Lake.
Social Studies-
This week we will continue our study of the First Americans, Anasazi and Northwest Coast.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email me at

Monday, March 19, 2012

Weekly Update (3/19-3/23)

Lessons covered:
7.1 Patterns in Products
7.2 Multiplication Facts Survey
7.3 Fact Power
7.4 Number Models with Parentheses
Language Arts-
The vocabulary will come from Wordly Wise lesson 11.
The vocabulary test will be next Friday (3/30).
The spelling theme this week is "multiple suffixes."
There will be a spelling test on Friday (3/23).
We will cover states of matter.
Social Studies-
This week we will continue our study of the First Americans, Anasazi and Northwest Coast.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email me at

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Field Day Teams

Green: Russ, Olivia, Abby, Channing
Gold: Connor, Sebastian, Mac, Julia L
Blue: Nico, Lucy
Red: Lilianna, Sofia, Anthony
White: Aidan, Lauren, Zaynab, Ryker, Dylan, Clara
Black: Julia C

Monday, March 5, 2012

Field Day

A message from the PE Department:
The Lower Division is excited about this year's chapter of Field Day. We have put together what is sure to be a fun event for all. Your child will be assigned to a team designated by a color. The students will be split by grades into six K-2 teams and six 3-4 teams. We ask that your children wear their team's colored athletic clothing and proper athletic shoes to school on Field Day, March 9th, 2012. Please do not feel required to purchase any new clothing for this even; we simply ask that your child be identifiable, for example, as the Red Team. We appreciate your cooperation and support of this enjoyable event.
The coaches will coordinate, organize, assist, and instruct all volunteers on their assigned event. Field Day for the students will begin promptly at 10:00 and last until 11:30. Those of you interested in assisting the staff and getting close to the action can contact the PE staff (Coaches Every, Pope, and Cameron) directly at ext. 442, 440, or 453 or email,, or
Thank you,
The PE Staff

Weekly Update (3/5-3/9)

Lessons covered:
Unit Six Review
The Unit Four test will be Thursday (3/8).
Language Arts-
There is no vocabulary this week. We will review Lesson 10 this week.
The spelling theme this week is "suffix (-en)."
There will be a spelling test on Friday (3/9).
We will have guest speakers on both Monday and Tuesday to celebrate "Spotlight on Science."
Social Studies-
This week we will continue our study of the First Americans.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email me at

Friday, March 2, 2012

Science Week

We have some special activities planned for Monday and Tuesday.
All families received an email with some information that students need to read in order to prepare for Monday's activities.
Please let me know if you have not received an email and I can resend the information.
Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Weekly Update (2/27-3/2)

Phew, the week of the program is finally here.
We will have a slightly different schedule this week due to the program.
There will not be any spelling words or a reading comprehension activity this week.
Also, the homework load will be significantly less.
The program will be this Friday (3/2) at 8:30 in the Janet Root Theater.
Hope that you can join us for a great show!

Math Test

Just a quick update about the math test...
Due to all of the practicing for our program on Friday, we have not had a chance to review the math concepts as much as I would like.
Therefore, I am postponing the test until next week (most likely Tuesday).

Friday, February 24, 2012

Program Info

On Friday, March 2, 2012, the third grade classes will perform our "American Dream" program at 8:30. It involves participation and cooperation from everyone.
Each third grader has received his or her parts to be memorized. Please help your child to learn to recite the lines with expression. Each child also must learn when he or she speaks in the program and to learn who speaks both before and after him or her. Every child is responsible for his or her own costume. Please help them research the character to get ideas for the costume.
Each child needs to bring his or her costume to school on Tuesday for approval. On Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, they will be wearing the costume to school and bringing a change of clothing. They will need uniforms for Wednesday and Thursday, and "spirit wear" for them to change into on Friday.
The program is expected to take a little less than an hour, after which refreshments will be served. The U.S.A. cake and drinks will be served in the hallway and eaten outside on the picnic benches.
Many thanks for your help with this program and for all you do to support us in our work with your children.
-Third Grade Teachers

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Weekly Update (2/21-2/24)


Lessons covered:

6.9 Symmetry

6.10 Congruence, Line Segments, and Decimals

6.11 Polyhedrons (Part 1)

There will be a math test on next Wednesday.

Language Arts-

This week we will read some selections from the Voices reading series.

The spelling theme this week is –er and –est.

The vocabulary will come from Wordly Wise Lesson 10.

There will be a spelling test this Friday (2/24).

There will be a vocabulary test next Tuesday (2/28).


We will introduce states of matter.

Social Studies-

We will continue our study of the First Americans, focusing on the Inuit tribe.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email me at

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Reading Week

Next week has been designated as Reading Week. There will be activities all week long, but on Tuesday (our first day back) the children are encouraged to wear a costume of their favorite (or any) book character. If possible, they should also bring along a copy of the book associated with the character.

On Friday, the children will be able to go to the Oldie Goldie book sale and purchase used books for a very small amount (10 to 25 cents each).

HOWEVER, this year the coordinating parents have not yet received a substantial donation of used books from the children. Please try to go through your libraries this weekend and send in any used, unwanted books on Tuesday in order to have something for the children to purchase on Friday.

Have a very wonderful long weekend, and thank you so much for your cooperation.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Scratch Projects

Here is a link to the projects that the students did in the computer lab. We used a program known as "Scratch." It provides students with an introduction to computer programming.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Weekly Update (2/6-2/10)


Lessons covered:

6.5 Quadrangles

6.6 Polygons

6.7 Drawing Angles

Language Arts-

This week we will read some selections from the Voices reading series.

The spelling theme this week is consonant sound -J.

The vocabulary will come from Wordly Wise Lesson 9.

There will be a spelling test this Friday (2/10).

There will be a vocabulary test this Friday (2/10).


We will conclude our study of forces and motion.

Social Studies-

We will continue our study of the First Americans, focusing on the Inuit tribe.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email me at