
Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Weekly Update (4/26-4/29)


Lessons covered:
-Multiply and Divide with Multiples of 10, 100, and 1,000
-Using Mental Math to Multiply
-A Multiplication Algorithm

There will be a math test on Wednesday (4/27).

Language Arts- We will read some selections from the Voices reading series.

The vocabulary will come from Wordly Wise this week.

The vocabulary test will be Friday (4/29).

The spelling this week will be the prefix "non-".

There will be a spelling test on Friday (4/29).

Science- We will continue the unit, Heat.

Social Studies- This week w

e will study European exploration of North America, continuing with the Vikings.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Weekly Update


Lessons covered:

8.6 Comparing Fractions (cont.)

8.7 Fractions Greater than ONE

8.8 Fractions in Number Stories

There will be a math test on next Wednesday (4/27).

Language Arts- We will read some selections from the Voices reading series.

The vocabulary will come from Wordly Wise this week.

The vocabulary test will be next Friday (4/29).

The spelling this week will be suffixes.

There will be a spelling test on Friday (4/22).

Science- We will begin the unit, Heat.

Social Studies- This week w

e will study European exploration of North America, continuing with the Vikings.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Parent Helpers Needed

Mrs. Baralt is looking for parent volunteers to help assist and supervise third graders while filming around campus for their explorer movie projects next Wednesday, 4/20 and Thursday 4/21. She hopes to have four or five parent volunteers for each class, each day. Please notify her via email if you can help.
The class schedule is as follows:
  • LaDuke 8:20 - 9:20
  • Mitchell 9:25 - 10:25
  • Wolfrath 10:30 - 11:30
  • Hensler 1:30 - 2:30

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Seating arrangement for Friday's Picnic Lunch (4/15)

Info for Celebrate the Arts

Here is the song schedule for Friday:
(the performance begins at 11:00 and is scheduled to be over by 12:00)

EC - "Leave the World a Little..."

2nd - "The Green Machine"

K- "Drip Drip Drop Drop"

3rd - "Turn it Off"

1st - "Pedal Power"

4th - "Recycle Rap"

4th- "Por ti Volare"

Monday, April 11, 2011

Weekly Update (4/11-4/15)


Lessons covered:

8.3 Exploring Fractions, Re-Forming Squares, and Combinations (Part II)

8.4 Number Line Posters for Fractions

8.5 Equivalent Fractions

8.6 Comparing Fractions

Language Arts- We will read some selections from the Voices reading series.

The vocabulary will come from Wordly Wise this week.

The vocabulary test will be Friday (4/15).

The spelling this week will be "y" to "i".

There will be a spelling test on Friday (4/15).

Science- We will conclude the unit, Matter.

Social Studies- This week w

e will begin to study European exploration of North America, beginning with the Vikings.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Weekly Update (4/4-4/8)


Lessons covered:

8.1 Naming Parts with Fractions
8.2 Blocks-in-a-Bag Experiment
8.3 Exploring Fractions, Re-forming Squares, and Combinations (Part I)

Language Arts- We will read some selections from the Voices reading series.

The vocabulary will come from Wordly Wise this week.

The vocabulary test will be next Friday (4/15).

The spelling this week will be r sound (er, or, ar).

There will be a spelling test on Friday (4/8).

Science- We will continue the unit, Matter.

Social Studies- This week we will continue to work with our social studies text book, The History of US.

We will continue our study of individual tribes throughout North America, focusing on the Eastern Woodland and Iroquois tribes. In the following weeks, we will begin to study European exploration of North America, beginning with the Vikings.

Message from the PE team about Field Day

The lower division is excited about this year’s installment of Field Day. We have put together what is sure to be a fun event for all. Your child will be assigned to a team designated by a color. The students will be split by grades into six K-2 teams and six 3-4 teams. We ask that your children wear their team’s colored athletic clothing and proper athletic shoes to school on Field Day, April 5th, 2010. Please do not feel required to purchase any new clothing for this event; we simply ask that your child be identifiable, for example, as the Red Team or in Shorecrest Spirit Wear. We appreciate your cooperation and support of this enjoyable event.

The coaches will coordinate, organize, assist and instruct all volunteers on their assigned event. Field day for the students will begin promptly at 10:00 and last until 11:30. Those of you interested in assisting the staff and getting close to the action can contact the PE Staff (Coaches Diedrich, Every and Pope) directly at ext. 442 or email,, or

Thank You,

The PE Staff