
Monday, January 31, 2011

Weekly Update (1/31-2/4)


Lessons covered this week are:

6.1 Investigating Line Segments, Rays, and Lines
6.2 Parallel & Intersecting Line Segments, Rays, and Lines
6.3 Angles and Turns
6.4 Triangles

Language Arts- We will finish reading the novel, Stone Fox this week. There will be a test on Stone Fox next Tuesday (2/8).

The vocabulary will come from Wordly Wise this week.

The theme for spelling this week is "/ch/ spelled ch and tch."

Please visit for some practice games with this week's spelling words.

We will have a spelling test on Friday (2/4).

Science- We will continue the unit, Matter.

Social Studies- This week we will continue to work with our social studies text book, The History of US.

We will begin our study of individual tribes throughout North America.

There will be a short quiz on Thursday (2/3).

Monday, January 24, 2011

Weekly Update


Lessons covered this week are:

5.10 Application: Rainfall

5.11 Place Value in Decimals

5.12 Sunrise-Sunset

The unit 5 math test will be Thursday.

Language Arts- We will continue reading the novel, Stone Fox this week. The vocabulary will come from Wordly Wise this week. The theme for spelling this week is plurals. Please visit for some practice games with this week's spelling words.

We will have a spelling test on Friday (1/28). There will be a vocabulary quiz on Friday (1/28).

Science- We will begin a new unit in Science, Matter.

Social Studies- This week we will continue to work with our social studies text book, The History of US. We will study The First Americans.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Conference Day

The date of our Spring Conference Day is Thursday, February 10.
Please check the available times and email me your preferred conference time slot.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Weekly Update (1/18-1/21)


Lessons covered this week are:

5.7 Model Decimals with Base-10 Blocks

5.8 Tenths and Hundredths

5.9 Tenths and Hundredths of a Meter

5.10 Application: Rainfall

The unit 5 math test will be next week.

Language Arts- We will begin reading another class novel, Stone Fox this week. The vocabulary will come from Wordly Wise this week. The theme for spelling this week is double consonants. Please visit for some practice games with this week's spelling words.

We will have a spelling test on Friday (1/21). There will be a vocabulary quiz on next Friday (1/28).

Science- We have begun integrating science and our technology lessons in the computer lab. Be sure to ask your child about the Lego robotics. So much fun!

Social Studies- This week we will continue to work with our social studies text book, The History of US. We will study migration across the Bering Strait into North America.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Weekly Update (1/10-1/14)


Lessons covered this week are:


4 Application: The U.S. Census

5.5 Very Large Numbers

5.6 Exploring Estimates and Polygons

5.7 Model Decimals with Base-10 Blocks

Language Arts- We will read some selections from the Voices series this week. The vocabulary will come from Wordly Wise this week. The theme for spelling this week is double "ff, ll, ss." Please visit for some practice games with this week's spelling words.

We will have a spelling test on Friday (1/14). There will also be a vocabulary quiz on Friday (1/14).

Science- We have begun integrating science and our technology lessons in the computer lab. Be sure to ask your child about the Lego robotics. So much fun!

Social Studies- This week we will continue to work with our social studies text book, The History of US. We will study migration across the Bering Strait into North America.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Weekly Update (1/4-1/7)

Math- We will begin unit 5 this week.

Lessons covered this week are:

5.1 Place Value through Ten-Thousands

5.2 Reading, Writing, and Ordering Numbers

5.3 Place Value to Millions

5.4 Application: The U.S. Census

Language Arts- We will read some selections from the Voices series this week. The vocabulary will come from Wordly Wise this week. The theme for spelling this week is prefixes. Please visit for some practice games with this week's spelling words.

We will have a spelling test on Friday (1/7).

Science- We will wrap up the unit on motion and design this week. We will visit the Science Lab on Friday.

Social Studies- This week we will introduce the social studies text book, The History of US. We will cover the first two chapters and begin to study migration across the Bering Strait into North America.