
Monday, December 13, 2010

Author Celebration

This Friday, at 10:30, there will be an author celebration in our classroom.
The students are excited to share the writing that we have been working on so far this school year.
We will share student writing and then head to the theater for the Winter Sing-along.
I hope that you will be able to join us!

Weekly Update (12/13-12/17)

Math- We will have a unit review on Tuesday and Wednesday, and we will have the Unit 4 test on Thursday.

Language Arts- We will finish reading The Whipping Boy. There are no vocabulary words this week. The theme for spelling this week is "consonant sound j." Please visit for some practice games with this week's spelling words.

We will have a spelling test on Friday (12/17).

Science- We will finish the topic, "Doing Work."

Social Studies- In order to reinforce the information covered in the Native Tribes of Florida unit, we will review the quiz from last week.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Unit 3 Math Tests

The unit 3 math tests went home this week. Measurement is a bit of a difficult unit, so some scores may seem lower than past unit tests. This is a topic that we will continue to cover and students will get more opportunities to work on these skills throughout the year.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
Have a great weekend!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Weekly Update (12/6-12/10)

Math- Lessons covered this week are:
4.7 Baseball Multiplication
4.8 Explorations: Arrays and Facts
4.9 Estimating Distances with a Map Scale
4.10 "A Coin Toss Experiment"
The Unit 3 tests will go home on Tuesday.
We will have the Unit 4 test next week.
Language Arts- We will continue reading the novel, The Whipping Boy. The spelling theme this week is contractions. There will be a spelling test on Friday (12/10). The vocabulary is from the Wordly Wise book. We will have a vocabulary quiz on Friday (12/10).
Science- Students will continue studying motion and work with the vehicles that were built in the science room. This week we will review stored/potential energy by using a rubber band to move the vehicle. We will chart the distance traveled. Be sure to ask your child about this fun activity!
Social Studies- We have finished studying the Native Florida tribes. There will be a quiz on the native tribes on Thursday (12/9). We will review all 5 tribes in class this week.
As always, if you have any questions, please email me... Have a great week!