
Monday, September 27, 2010

Parent Survey

As you know, we are asking all parents to participate in an online opinion survey about Shorecrest as we approach our accreditation in the fall of 2011. The results of all of our surveys--from parents, faculty and staff as well as students--will help guide and inform the goals we set for our school for the next five years. Your participation is crucial to the success of this reflective process.

The survey window will be open beginning October 1st and close on October 17. You will receive an email with the survey link on the morning of October 1. Please let your voices be heard and complete the parent survey!

Please know:

In a two-parent household, BOTH parents should complete the survey.

Parents who are also graduates should complete the student survey as graduates. That link will sent to alumni from the Director of Alumni Programs.

The survey should take about 25 minutes to complete.

You will be asked to consider Shorecrest as a whole as well as the Division(s) in which you have child(ren) enrolled.

Thank you in advance for your participation in this crucial component of our self-study.

Just Right Books

Have you ever wondered how you can help your child find the right book for them to read?
Click on the image for information about a workshop hosted by Mrs. McKenzie and Mrs. Cameron.

Inkwood Books

Two weeks ago, Ms. Smay had a book talk with our class regarding the Sunshine State Reader books. Students are encouraged to read as many of the books on the list as they can. In April, students will be able to vote for their favorite book.
A form went home today from Inkwood Books. Inkwood Books is offering a 15% discount for these books, and the books will arrive approximately one week from due date.
If you are interested in ordering some Sunshine State Reader books, please review the form and return to the Lower Division office by October 6.

Conference Day

Conference Day is this Thursday (9/30). If you do not remember your scheduled time, please contact me and I can let you know.
I look forward to meeting with everyone to discuss the great work that the students have been doing so far this year.

Weekly Update (9/27-10/1)

Math-Lessons covered this week are:

2.6 "Comparison Number Stories"

2.7 "The Partial-Sums Algorithm"

2.8 "Subtraction Algorithms"

Language Arts- We will read more selections from our reading series, Voices. In writing workshop, we will continue working on personal narratives. The vocabulary this week will come from the Voices reading series. The words go along with the stories we will be reading in class. The theme for spelling this week is "Diphthong syllables". Please visit for some practice games with this week's spelling words.

We will have a spelling test on Friday (10/1). The vocabulary test will also be on Friday (10/1).

Science- We will begin learning about motion.

Social Studies- We will complete the unit on the Hello, Florida book.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Weekly Update (9/20-9/24)

Math-Lessons covered this week are:

2.2 "Extensions of Addition and Subtraction Facts"

2.3 "What's My Rule?"

2.4 "Parts-and-Total Number Stories"

2.5 "Change Number Stories"

Language Arts- We will read more selections from our reading series, Voices. In writing workshop, we will continue working on personal narratives. The vocabulary this week will come from the Voices reading series. The words go along with the stories we will be reading in class. The theme for spelling this week is "Open Syllables". Please visit for some practice games with this week's spelling words.

We will have a spelling test on Friday (9/24). The vocabulary test will be next week.

Science- We will begin learning about simple machines.

Social Studies- We will continue our unit on Florida. We will continue studying chapter two, "The History".

Monday, September 13, 2010

Picture Day This Tuesday (9/14)

This is a reminder that Picture Day is tomorrow. If you have not sent in the order form, please send it in tomorrow.

Recorder and Student Handbook Forms

If you have not yet returned the recorder form for Music class, please do so as soon as possible (even if you are not ordering one). Ms. Diaz-Leroy would like to order the recorders soon.
Also, there are a few Student Handbook forms that have not yet been returned.
If you need another copy of either of these, please email me and I will send another one home.

Weekly Update

Math-Lessons covered this week are:

1.13 "The Length-fo-Day Project"

1.14 "Progress Check 1"

2.1 "Fact Families"

We will have our first math test Tuesday (9/14)

Language Arts- We will read more selections from our reading series, Voices. In writing workshop, we will use the "timelines" that we created to continue working on personal narratives.

We will have a spelling test on Tuesday (9/14). We will also have a Wordly Wise quiz on Friday (9/17).

Science- We will work on writing hypotheses for our "Potato Observation Project"

Social Studies- We will continue our unit on Florida. We will finish chapter one, "The Land" and begin chapter two, "The History".


Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Picture Day

The Picture Day forms went home today. Please review and send back as soon as possible.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Weekly Update (9/7-9/10)

Math-Lessons covered this week are:

1.10 "Money"

1.11 "Solving Problems with Dollars and Cents"

1.12 "Patterns"

We will have our first math test next Tuesday (9/14)

Language Arts- We will read more selections from our reading series, Voices. In writing workshop, we will continue writing our personal narratives.

Science- We will use the scientific method format to conduct another experiment on Friday.

Social Studies- We will continue our unit on Florida. Last week we started chapter one, "The Land". The Geography project will be due on Friday (9/10).